Monday 29 August 2011

Curiosity..Killer of Boredom :)

Sebab curiosity juga saya kena marah oleh si dia dulu.. :( apa tidak..saya tanya yang nonsense punya soalan ni..dia bilang " 5 ko tnya soalan tapi 1 jak jawapan" hmm.. apa lagi saya..pun diam2 la..heee ;p susah juga oh kan kalau terlebih curiosity ni.. tapi kalau langsung tiada curiosity tiada cerita laa...boring saja la ada....

oh ya..cakap pasal curiosity ni..teringat pula cikgu saya cakap dulu sama saya..dia bilang "the curiosity also can lead you to success" dia bukan bermaksud ingin tahu benda2 yang lain..contohnya..macam ingin tahu boyfriend/girlfriend kita buat apa? dengan siapa? di mana?... tapi maksud cikgu saya tu curiosity about education..(nah ambik ko!) heee ;p

take off those blinkers and see the world...yeah!!

Almost everyone agree that children learn everything faster and better than adult..kan? kan? kan? (nah betul la tuu..) i have rarely met a child who was really bored..emm..rasanya kamu pun macam tu kan..they're fast learners because they are the most curious little rascals in existence..if u have little sister/brother/niece/nephew or you're the parents of child..sure u all notice this kan? so contohi la budak2..^_^

Unfortunately, as we grow older we tend to lose all important curiosity..cikgu saya cakap "awaken your curiosity, spur your interest and you'll push that boredom into the background!" 
ok cikgu! lepas ni kunun..i will practice being one of the person who curious about what are we now we're studying medical and its all about "heart, drugs,disease, and etc" i will force my self to put interest on them..:) hopefully after Raya holiday i won't sleepy while the lecturers teaching as what as i did before..:)

hopefully ^_^"

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